: mysite

Hi there, I'm Divyanshu Bhoyar đź‘‹

I build things on the web, full stack. Focus on scalable web apps, built with best practices and latest tech.
I am a student from Nagpur, MH India.

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Recent Projects
Project Web Design
Ticket Sale Web App: Microservices
NATS Streaming
Test Driven

A scalable e-commerce app built with distributed microservices. Implements event bus, concurrency controls and test driven developement.

Project Fire
Realtime Chat: AWS Lambda
API Gateway

An entirely serverless chat application. Built on AWS lambda integrated with AWS API gateway

Project Maps
Concurrent downloader

A simple golang CLI program to download files. Divides a file into multiple subparts, and downloads concurrently.

Tech I use

Teachers on the Internet I'm much grateful🙏 to

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API Schema validation in Express

Jul 19, 2022
Easily validate API schema in an express middleware.
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Random fav coding problems- Car pooling

Jul 18, 2022
Problem#2 where I discuss random coding problems I find interesting.
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Robust custom error-handler middleware recipe

Jul 18, 2022
Learn how to define standardized custom error schema, using OOPs in Typescript.
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© Copyright 2022 by Divyanshu Bhoyar. Built with ♥ using Astro JS.