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API Schema validation in Express

By me on Jul 19, 2022
Image post 5

Just came across this nice little library called as express validator. Makes dealing with API schema easy, right where the endpoint is defined.

import { body, validationResult } from 'express-validator';


  body('password').isLength({ min: 5 }),

  (req: Request, res: Response) => {

    const errors = validationResult(req);
    if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
      return res.status(400).json(
          errors: errors.array()
    // other non -error case logic here

In case of error, the above code throws a response as

  "errors": [
      "location": "body",
      "msg": "Invalid value",
      "param": "username"

This is extremely helpful and fast to implement while building all - Express backend.

But however, if we want to normalize our backend error schema, we can easily configure with CustomError class which we discussed in my previous blog (‘error handling recipe in express’).

Create a CustomError instance :

import { ValidationError } from 'express-validator';
import { CustomError } from './custom-error';

export class RequestValidationError extends CustomError {
  statusCode = 400;

  constructor(public errors: ValidationError[]) {
    super('Invalid request parameters');

    // Only because we are extending a built in class
    Object.setPrototypeOf(this, RequestValidationError.prototype);

  // Remember, the schema we decided in last blog was
  // {message, field?}[]
  serializeErrors() {
    return this.errors.map(err => {
      return { message: err.msg, field: err.param };

The library provides access to validation result in validationResults function which we will invoke from our special middleware to deal with validation errors.

import { Request, Response, NextFunction } from "express";
import { validationResult } from "express-validator";
import { RequestValidationError } from "../errors/request-validation-error";

export const validateRequest = (
  req: Request,
  res: Response,
  next: NextFunction
) => {
  const errors = validationResult(req); // reported back by express-validtator library

  if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
    throw new RequestValidationError(errors.array());


Various other validation function the library provides, include :

contains(),// check if value contains the specified value
equals(), //check if value equals the specified value
isAlpha(), isAlphanumeric(), isAscii(), isBase64(), isLength(), isLowercase(), isUppercase()
isNumeric(), isDecimal(), isFloat(), isInt(), isIn(), //check if the value is in an array of allowed values
isFQDN(), //is a fully qualified domain name?
isHash(), isHexColor(), isMobilePhone()
isPostalCode(), isIP(), isLatLong()
isJSON(), isURL()
isWhitelisted(), //checks the input against a whitelist of allowed characters
isAfter(), isBefore(), //check if the entered date is before/after the one you pass

Sanitizing the body

Another major use case of this library is to sanitize the request body. The sanitization methods are piped just after the validation methods.

app.post('/form', [
  check('name').isLength({ min: 3 }).trim().escape(),
], (req, res) => {
  // The request body is santized using trim(), escape(), normalizeEmai()

These include

trim()  // removing wihtespaces
escape() // replaces special characters like <,>, &, / with their HTML entities
blacklist(), whitelist()  // rmv certain chars that appear/ do not appear
toBoolean(), toDate(), toInt() // to force convert into specified type, return null or NaN if unsuccessful
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